Sunday, April 17, 2011

SME Focus: The top 5 questions to ask employees in a performance review

I took over a large organization where we had several divisions that had been under performing and suffered from morale problems. While there was a formal review process in place people felt isolated and under appreciated.

As I started I went and met the teams and had a quick review with each employee to gain some perspective on their thoughts and insight.

I asked five questions, which were:

1 - Rate your job satisfaction and describe the things that you feel were the biggest contributing factors to that rating.

2 - Rate your own job performance and again highlight the achievements and accomplishments that attributed to that rating

3 - If you were to pick the teams MVP, who would it be and why?

4 - If you were King or Queen for a day what would you change to make the company a better place to work?

5 - What do you think we could do better that would make our customers view us as either a better partner or a better supplier?

The interesting things was that the initial ratings were very low but we adopted a policy for the Executives to get closer to the employees and solicite their feedback.

Every year we maintained that opportunity for employees to give Executives direct feedback and ratings continuously improved with employees talking to each othr and their managers about how they felt that they now had a voice to improve the company and their environment.
I think that regardless of the questions asked providing a forum to give and get feedback is important and so too is the opportunity for employees to be heard.

Use all discussions as opportunities to improve the organization and provide a deeper pool of people to asks questions and solicit feedback. Investing in your people always pays dividends.

Source: K. Watson, President & CEO, Pinnacle IP Solutions

saverio manzo

About me: I give Economic, Social and Global trend briefings from some of the world's brightest minds at my blog and I also provide true and tested financial planning and wealth advice. Most recently, over the past few years, I have become socially conscious and have been attempting to practise ways in which I can live my life more environmentally friendly.   Along with some truly exceptional friends, we provide consulting and business development for small-medium sized businesses.  In addition, I truly believe in being philanthropic, giving and doing unto other as we would have them do unto us. Some of my fondest resources are from Barry Ritholtz of The Big Picture, David Rosenberg and what Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway is up to behind the scenes, as an example. saverio manzo

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